Saturday, April 11, 2009

Aunty Christ and the shit of humanity

Roland Barthes wrote that photographs signify death—a creepy way to look at things, for sure, but also possibly true. I think he was talking only about portraiture, but, as we all know, corporations are people too.

My former office wife is one of maybe (he says) ten people left there, and, in the manner of momento mori, he’s taken these lovely pics of our dead processing center. May we all remember it as the awful, creepy, evil place it was. Fuckers.

(I know I should credit the photographer for use of his work here, but for reasons of anonymity, I will not. Suck it.)


Salty Miss Jill said...

Well, that's grim.
The also late, also great, Susan Sontag wrote about photos being a way to regard the pain of others from a safe distance, and therefore desensitize people to suffering. Do you think she and ol' Rolly used to hang out?

Aunty Christ said...

The two theories do seem to have a lot in common. If they did hang out, can you imagine all the laffs they had? Sitcom waiting to happen, I'm telling you.

rich bachelor said...

If only we had the technology to reproduce that phone photo of Jim's disembodied head...

Anonymous said...

Wow. The zombie-state-inducing unrelieved gray hopelessness of it all really makes me think you must, on some level, be happy to see it die. Blecch.

Snooze said...

Those really are eerie. All those empty chairs.